港 澳 雙 拼 藝 術 展
Macau & Hong Kong Multi-Art Exhibition
REtroduction is a cross-regional and cross-media exchange program for visual arts. A pool of Hong Kong and Macao creatives from different fields settle in Ox Warehouse to allow their seemingly disparate perspectives to interact, collide and germinate into truly original and creative presentations that span from 2-D graphics, 3-D models to multimedia installations. These credible works portray the uniqueness within the social, cultural and local settings of the two cities.
Besides exhibits like paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, knitworks and fashion products, there are others to be created with the assistance of visitors’ digital devices.
Macau & Hong Kong Multi-Art Exhibition
REtroduction is a cross-regional and cross-media exchange program for visual arts. A pool of Hong Kong and Macao creatives from different fields settle in Ox Warehouse to allow their seemingly disparate perspectives to interact, collide and germinate into truly original and creative presentations that span from 2-D graphics, 3-D models to multimedia installations. These credible works portray the uniqueness within the social, cultural and local settings of the two cities.
Besides exhibits like paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, knitworks and fashion products, there are others to be created with the assistance of visitors’ digital devices.
綽號 :666
性別 : 女
那裏人 :澳門
居於 :澳門
職業 :視覺藝術教師
你最常與甚麼發生碰撞 :不尊重我的人
你最希望與甚麼發生碰撞 :有智慧的人
你最討厭與甚麼發生碰撞 :沒有智慧的人
所選題目 : 誘惑
你創作這作品時在想甚麼 :